Tuesday, January 25, 2011

After Long Time

Hello friends,

Sorry to make you guys wait. Actually I was busy with my college activities. Anyway its better late than never.
At last my fourth semester is going to start. One and half years or say 548 days had gone and still two and half year remains for me to be an error, oops, I mean an engineer, A Mechanical Engineer. Really time is a valuable thing, waits for none, who stays back remains there forever.
Anyway I want to share my 3rd sem experience with you. Third sem was amazing. It was full of different emotions. Football, study, becoming a senior, ISTE, winning, losing and many more.
The first day of 2nd year was very tiring. Shifting, registration, cleaning new room and all, but still it was fun. New books and activities were adjective to it.


Just after few days our sports officer announced about the inter university football tournament and so we started practicing. This time we work harder than last time, last time we lost the first match itself and get kicked out of the tournament, we knew our weaknesses and were working on it. Every day we used to run until we fell, shoot until it hurts, played until someone reminds us about the dinner time. Really it was fun, a tiring fun. And parallel to this I also joined ISTE's working committee.

ISTE (Indian Soceity for Technical Education) is a National Non-Profit Society which is build for students to uplift there personality and their skills. This community also makes students aware of new technology, ideas and all, which are being cooked in the world. We organised many events for students, to improve technical and communication skills. And after some time we became seniors and welcomed new batch.
Anyway continuing with ISTE, football and studies, one more person came into picture. NATURE, its rather called a person because it was a Villon for us that time. Rain, rain and rain, for the first time in my life I was tired of rain. It ruined many things, and the main thing in these many things was our practice. But we did full from our side and lastly the judgement day came. It was time for getting permission and we were not getting it. Our faculty was concern for our safety from the raw climate but we continue pleading and we succeed.
It was 26 September when we left our college for Dehradun, The Transit Capital of Uttarakhand, the venue for our tournament was Selaqui Institute of technology. Our first tournament was with our old rival, UIT, from which we have already lost once. But we were confident this time. 28th Sep was the day when we won from them with a marvelous 5-0 win. From 5, one goal was named by me. Our next tournament was with QIT which was also won. But it was harder then earlier. And in the same way we won our next two tournament before coming to finals.
It was very much amazing for us to come into finals. It was for the first time in last twenty years of our college that a football team is in final. I was proud for being in that team. At that time of the tournament four goals were in my name. To win the golden boot and to make a record only final match was remaining. But we lost the final match. We fought as much we can but it worth nothing, the score was 3-1, but still it gave us hope for doing more good next time. Many players were selected for north zone inter-university tournament. My name was also included in it.
Our whole team went out to a water park next day. It was really fun. And after some days we returned back to our college .

Friday, July 9, 2010

Journey To "RUDRANATH"

Well journey to Rudranath is one of my very great and joyful trekking. I went there in my college summer vacations in June 2010. Rudranath is a very beautiful temple. It shows the great artistic talent of Indian people thousands year ago or I can say talent of my ancestors. This temple is rock cut temple constructed in Himalayas around 11000 feet above the sea level.

Well I was very much eager to go there so I contacted my mausaji (my uncle) to come with me. His name is Om Prakash Bhatt. He is a multi-talented man. He is an advocate, a reporter and also works with a NGO named "Dhasoli Gram Swarajya Mandal". When I told him about my plan, he at once gets ready to go there with me.

Well let me tell you something about this place. Rudranath is around 22 km far from Gopeshwar. It is situated very away from road; the distance is around 18 km. Its altitude is around 11000 feet. The climate there is very cold and cloudy. One should have everything with him to cope up with such climate. The best time to go there is from mid September to mid October.

Okay I have given you all information so let’s start journey if something is remaining I will complete it in between. We started our journey from gopeshwar at around 5.00 am however we were half hour late. It was pretty dark at that time so we couldn’t find any convenience to go to our starting point; it is "Gangol Gaun” around 3 km away from Gopeshwar, so we started walking. We reached there in half hour that means at 6.00 am.
Gangol Gaun is a village situated near the road between Mana to Gopeshwar. From this village Rudranath is 18 km walking journey. We started walking with full energy it was lovely morning with slow cold wind flowing. It was giving us immense pleasure. We continue walking and then we reach “Chandra Kudi” it’s around 1.2 km from Gangol Gaun. We drink water there and eat candy to make our mouth juicy which will help us to keep thirst away. After walking around 1.8 km we reach we reach second point of our journey,”Puln”. Puln is a very beautiful place in middle of forest. There you can have something in your stomach from a very nicely built shop. We only drink water there as we were too early to that place so the shop was not opened.

 After Puln the most dangerous part of the journey comes, crossing the forest, it is very dark forest with many wild animals inside. Just as we entered the forest we hear a loud frightening bark. I was pretty confused that how a dog can bark so loudly. But when I asked my mausaji about it I was very much frightened. He said that it was a bear and told me to take a good heavy stick and also find one for him. We continue walking and soon the voice disappeared but our fear was still there with us. Our speed was increased; I was noticing it, the main thought inside us to get to the end of this forest as fast as we can. Any way keeping this fear apart it was a very beautiful forest with many beautiful watersheds and trees. I saw many birds first time there.
After walking with fear of eaten away by bear, we were at last in the end of the forest but it doesn’t gave me any joy because there was a big problem in front of us. We have reached the toughest part our journey. There was a huge mountain in front us with a very hard way to walk. It was very tiring. After walking few steps we sit in the way for some time to regain our stamina.
After walking around 3 km we reached “Satu Khani”. There is a shop in Satu Khani but we didn’t stop there and continue walking. Suddenly I noticed a change in the surrounding. The trees started getting smaller and my eyes saw beautiful grassland. It seemed like we were walking in spongy bed. It was very joyful and helped me to walk faster, as my curiosity to know what’s there in the peek was increasing. Soon we saw another shop in the place known as “Liwthi”.

 You can get excellent tea and milk there. This place is much famous for fresh buffalo milk. We also wanted to drink it but we were too early to have for it around 8.00 am and around 7.5 km from Gangol Gaun.
I was able to see huge mountains covered with snow right in front of me. Suddenly all trees were gone and a vast green area was in front of me. At last we have covered around 10 km of our journey and reached third point of our journey “Panar”. 
It was really beautiful I was feeling like I am in heaven. Pure blue sky, sweet cold breeze kissing my face and huge snow mountain to see. Just like heaven, any way you will find a shop in Panar. We ate our breakfast there at 9.30 am there which we carried from home. We meet some fellows there who were tourist and came from west Bengal. We talked to them about this place and found many beautiful words in their mouth for this place. They wanted to come there again and again.
After that we continued walking crossing “Baghuwa” and “Pitrdhar”. Just before reaching “Panchganga” we took a little nap in the way. That sleep of 1 hour was the best I have ever had.

Then we reached “Devdarshni” it was around 16 km from first point. After that we got the first view of Rudranath, it was very beautiful, and suddenly my legs started walking faster. It was same with my mausaji; we were able to hear the temple bells. While walking I was surprised to see a snow mountain in front of me.
 I was surprised because this mountain is viewable from my college and at that time it was right in front of me. I was very happy. It was only around 1.00 pm and we had walked 22 km and reached our destinations. In the temple we prayed for some time. Then ate the lunch offered by the saint there it was really very delicious. We stay there for some time and at 2.30 pm started our journey back to home. We drank milk in Liwthi in between. It was again very creepy in the forest but we crossed it faster than before. We were in the road at around 7.30 pm. And reached our home by cab at 8.00 pm.
We were very much tired that day. We walked around 42 km that day. It was unbelievable by me. But it was giving me pleasure. That day I sleep with a very beautiful thoughts in my mind about Nature.